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The Research Administration Manual (RAM) is a resource for faculty and staff in support of their responsibilities in research administration.  

                    SRA Monthly  Activity Metrics 

Sponsored Research Administration (SRA), a unit under the purview of the Vice President for Research, is responsible for pre- and post-award functions of the university for awards with U.S. public funding (federal, state, and local governments) and U.S. public funding that is flowed through private organizations.

SRA Updates
  • 2/3/2025 - RESEARCH SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT  Join the Office of Research in welcoming Dr. Thom Mason, director of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to campus.  LANL is one of the Department of Energy's premier National Laboratories addressing national security challenges by advancing breakthroughs in science and technology.  Dr. Mason will join us to share his experience on research security and international engagement on Lecture: Research Security and International Engagement - Florida State University Calendar
  • 2/3/2025 - ASPIRE TOWNHALL Mark your calendar for an interactive session with VP for Research Stacey Patterson as she discusses the steps taken to date to move the research strategic plan forward.  This will be a time to provide feedback as well as new ideas.  The Aspire Townhall will occur at the following times and locations on February 6th: Broad Auditorium (Pepper Center) 9:00 a.m., MagLab 1:30 p.m., College of Medicine Auditorium 3:30 p.m.
  • 10/15/2024 - Concur International Travel Process Update Effective October 16th, 2024, improvements will be made to the international Travel Request process for faculty and staff.  As part of the Travel Request, international travelers will now be able to complete the required attestation inside Concur.  They will no longer be prompted to attach the International Travel Attestation Form.  When a request is designated as Foreign, Concur will now require the traveler to submit the Travel Request themselves.  Travel Delegates can still prepare a Foreign Travel Request as normal for their travelers(s) and will then need to prompt the traveler to submit.  To view the improvements made to the international Travel Request process, please click here.  For questions on international travel compliance with state laws regarding foreign influence on research activities please contact the Office of Compliance and Ethics at For questions regarding Concur or the Travel Request process contact the  Travel Office at
  • 7/31/2024 - Advance Procedure Update Effective 8/1/24, advances (time and/or funding) for future budget periods, will no longer be required for sponsored projects with automatic carryforward.  RAMP and OMNI will reflect the project period instead of the budget period and OMNI’s budget tracking functionality will only be activated during the final year of the project.   Therefore, new awards and amendments with automatic carryforward, received directly from federal sponsors, will be set up for the entire project period with the incremental funding authorized.  In-coming subawards will not be included unless the subaward agreement specifically awards for the full period of performance.  In order to accomplish this change in procedure in an efficient manner, the project period for currently active projects will be updated in RAMP and OMNI with the next increment of funding.  New projects will be set up with the project period at initial award set-up.
  • 7/3/2024 - Fringe Benefits Pool Update! The university’s fringe benefits pool rates for the 2024-2025 year have been finalized and approved by our cognizant agency, the United States Department of Health and Human Services.  These approved rates are available at, including information on identifying which rates apply to which employees or earnings codes.  They will be applied starting next week with the first payroll of fiscal year 2025 (payroll A) and will also be applied to any retroactive pay or changes processed in 2024-2025. Additional information on related accounting changes is available at The approved rate agreement has been uploaded to the Quick Links, as well as added to the Facts Sheet on SRA’s website. For general questions about the fringe pools, please contact Katie Perkins ( or Judd Enfinger ( For questions specific to research or sponsored projects, please contact Pam Ray (
  • 5/23/2024 - Please see the attached NSF notice which includes new requirements for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024.
  • 5/2/2024 - Please see this NIH Policy Notice on publication of the revised NIH Grants Policy Statement.
  • 4/23/2024 - Please see this NIH Policy Notice on updated NSRSA Stipend Levels.
  • 4/4/2024 - Please see this NIH Policy Notice update for the Overview of Grant Application and Review Changes.
  • 3/25/2024 - Please see the attached revised NSF Award Terms and Conditions which will apply to new NSF awards and funding amendments to existing awards made on or after May 20, 2024.
  • 2/26/2024 -Sponsored Research Administration has purchased the following Virtual Workshop with unlimited free logins: NSF Fundamentals Virtual Workshop, being held on Wednesday, March 20th, between 2:15 - 5:45 PM.  Follow this link to register:
  • 9/28/2023 - Please see the attached guidance for a potential government shutdown.
  • 8/28/2023 - Please see the attached for critical NSF system-related deadlines.
  • 8/24/2023 - Please see the attached memorandum on changes to our Unfavorable Terms (UFT) memo process effective September 1, 2023.
  • 6/8/2023 - Please see the attached new procedures on how to request administrative editors in RAMP.
  • 4/4/2023 - Please see the attached NSF revised FAQ's.
  • 4/3/2023 - Please see the attached  regarding the RAMP 10.5 upgrade and the new features and changes you will encounter as you continue to use RAMP.
  • 3/29/2023 - See the attached from NSF regarding system enhancements made to the Project Reports module in to enable the auto-population of dataset metadata submitted to the NSF Public Access Repository (NSF-PAR) into NSF in-progress project reports.
  • 1/27/2023 - See the attached new National Science Foundation requirement for a Plan for Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research effective January 30, 2023.
  • 1/24/2023 - Introducing our new RAMP Grants Interactive Guide! Please see the attached for more details on this new resource available to the FSU research community.  This new interactive guide will allow our research community to access information, including videos and instructional references, as they work through the RAMP Grants Module.
  • 12/12/2022- Please see the attached notice from NSF regarding the revised Award Terms and Conditions to all new NSF awards and funding amendments to existing awards made on or after January 30, 2023.
  • 11/30/2022- Please see the attached reminder from NSF for the Fastlane decommissioning time line effective November 21, 2022.
  • 11/16/2022 - The Office of Research is pleased to announce a new RAMP-Grants tutorial which will focus on providing custom workshops designed around users' specific needs.  More information can be found on the RAMP website.
  • 10/26/2022 - The revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) has been issued.  Please see the attached notice for further details.
  • 10/24/2022 - Please see the attached NSF notice on how to prepare supplemental funding requests in This notice also includes upcoming Fastlane proposal decommissioning deadlines.
  • 9/19/2022 - Please see the attached for further details for SF424 Applications being processed in RAMP before September 23rd in order to be able to work on these applications during the downtime.
  • 7/29/2022 - After some recent updates to the Concur software there have been some changes in the FSU's travel request process, please see the attached for more information.
  • 7/25/2022 - The FY23 Fringe Rates have been approved and are now posted on the SRA Facts Sheet.
  • 5/2/2022 - The attached notice is from the National Science Foundation (NSF) regarding Proposal Preparation Functionality and NSF-PAR Enhancements.
  • 4/20/2022 - The attached notice is from the National Science Foundation (NSF) regarding (1) an updated version of the table on disclosures relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current & Pending Support and (2) updated FAQs regarding Current & Pending Support.  
  • 4/13/2022 - The document entitled "Institutional Prior Approval Form for RAMP Grants" on the SRA website has been revised and is now referred to as the "Award Modification Quick Sheet."
  • 3/31/2022 - Upcoming NSF Funding Opportunity Webinar on Research Security Training for the US Research Community, please see the attached notice for further information.
  • 3/21/2022 - Effective immediately many NSF program solicitations will now require the use for the preparation and submission of proposals.  Further details are provided on the attached notice.
  • 1/24/2022 - Effective February 28, 2022, the National Science Foundation will begin using the new System for Award Management (SAM) issued Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) in and Fastlane.  More information can be found it the attached notice.
  • 1/10/2022 - Effective January 10, 2022, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has updated the Pre & Post Award Disclosure Table. More information can be found in the attached notice.
  • 11/22/2021 - Effective November 22, 2021, the National Science Foundation (NSF) enhanced the Proposal Suubmission System, NSF Public Accesss Repository, and Award Search.  More information can be found on the attached notice.
  • 10/4/2021 - Effective October 4, 2021, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has made system updates for proposal submissions and system enhancements to support the revised PAPPG (NSF 22-1).  More information can be found in the attached notice.
  • 7/2/2021 - Important information for faculty conducting human subjects research in collaboration with TMH can be found in the attached notice.
  • 6/16/2021 - The National Science Foundation has developed a disclosure table as a reference regarding pre-award and post-award disclosure information in the biographical sketch and current and pending support proposal sections. Please see attached email from Jean Feldman, the Head of the NSF Policy Office, for more details.
  • 3/23/2021 – Effective March 22, the National Science Foundation (NSF) enabled three new proposal types in Proposal Submission System. Please see attached email from Jean Feldman, the Head of the NSF Policy Office, for more details.

  • 3/2/2021 - The revised NSF S2S tip sheet has been uploaded to the RAMP Grants Help Center and the RAMP website.
  • 11/20/2020 - The SRA Facts Sheet at has been updated to reflect the new Graduate Student Health Insurance Subsidy rates, which have been increased for 2020-2021. 
  • 11/12/2020 – Effective November 12, 2020, the NSF has provided an update to the OMB mandate that awarding agencies adopt recent revisions to 2 CFR §200 related to the revised Research Terms and Conditions (RTSs). Please see the attached email from Jean Feldman, the Head of the NSF Policy Office, for more details.
  • 9/14/2020 – Effective October 5, 2020, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will begin enforcing the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) requirement to use NSF-approved formats for the preparation of the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support proposal documents. The NSF-approved formats are SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae and an NSF fillable PDF. Please see attached email notification for more details.
  • 8/12/2020 – Office of Research has launched RAM (Research Administration Manual), an online
    manual for the administration of research at FSU.
  • 8/11/2020 - SRA has added the 'Human Subjects Log' excel located on the Forms Page in the 'Other Approval' section.
  • 8/10/2020 - SRA has updated the 'Budget Workbook' excel located on the Forms Page in the 'Budget and Accounting' section. Also, the 'Subrecipient or Contractor Determination' form has been updated, and the 'New Outgoing Subaward' form and the 'Request Amendment to an Existing Subaward' form have been removed.
  • 7/14/2020 - The Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect the new rates for Fringe Benefits and Health Insurance and the System for Award Management (SAM) expiration date. SRA has updated the 'OMNI Project Team Members and Personnel Change Request Form' and 'Institutional Prior Approval Form for RAMP-Grants' forms located on our Forms Page in the 'Other Approval Forms' section.
  • 6/8/2020 – eSPEAR Module ESP10- “Issuing and Managing Outgoing Subawards “ is now available within Canvas.
  • 5/29/2020 – Effective October 5, 2020 NSF has delayed the requirement to use the new NSF-approved formats for the biographical sketch and current and pending support sections of NSF proposals. Please see the attached email notification from Jean Feldman, the Head of the NSF Policy Office, for more details.

  • 4/24/2020 - SRA has updated the 'Award Budget Modification' (previously Budget Amendment) and 'Award Budget' (previously Budget Summary) forms in the PDF version located on our Forms Page in the 'Budget and Accounting' section.
  • 4/23/2020 - SRA has updated the 'Award Budget Modification' (previously Budget Amendment) and 'Award Budget' (previously Budget Summary) forms in the Excel version located on our Forms Page in the 'Budget and Accounting' section.
  • 3/25/2020 - eSPEAR Module EP09 – "Project Closeouts" is now available within Canvas.
  • 03/20/2020 - SRA has updated the 'Award Budget Modification' (previously Budget Amendment) and 'Award Budget' (previously Budget Summary) forms in PDF and Excel versions located on our Forms Page in the 'Budget and Accounting' section. Also, the 'Institutional Prior Approval' form in the 'Other Approval Forms' section.
  • 03/12/2020 - Prior approval for IT Device purchases.
    The current Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) procedure has been to require the “Request for Prior Approval to Purchase Computers or Other Information Technology Devices” form only when the IT Device was not in the award and proposal budget. Going forward, if the IT Device is not in the award and proposal budget, the department will be required to enter the justification into the comments field on the requisition at the time of purchase. These requisitions will then be reviewed by SRA without further documentation.
  • 02/28/2020 - eSPEAR Module 'ESP08 - Effort Commitments & Certifications' is now available within Canvas.
  • 02/27/2020 - SRA has updated the 'Proposal Transmittal Form Keywords', located on our Forms Page in the 'Proposal Transmittal Form' section.
  • 02/20/2020 - The Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect changes in the 'FSU Organizational Codes and Numbers' section regarding SAM (System for Award Management).
  • 01/22/2020 - The Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect changes in the section regarding Sponsor Salary Limitations.
  • 01/16/2020 - The SRA Pre-Award Staff Assignments has been updated. Please see our Staff Assignments Page.
  • 01/14/2020 - The 'Request for new Subaward or Amendment to Existing Subaward Form' has been replaced with the 'Request for New Outgoing Subaward Form' and the 'Request Amendment to an Existing Subaward Form'. These new forms reflect changes made due to the RAMP Agreements module and are located on our Forms Page under the 'Contractual Services or Subcontracting Forms' section.
  • 11/22/2019 - SRA has updated both the Instructions and Proposal Transmittal Form (Fillable PDF), located on our Forms Page in the 'Proposal Transmittal Form' section.
  • 11/21/2019 - The Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect the section regarding the Health Insurance Subsidy for Graduate Assistants.
  • 11/12/2019 - SRA has updated the Personnel Change Request Form, located on our Forms Page in the 'Other Approval Forms' section.
  • 11/07/2019 - The SRA Post-Award Staff Assignments have been updated. Please see our Staff Assignments Page.
  • 09/24/2019 - SRA has updated the Request for Access to Fixed Price Residual Balance Form, located on our Forms Page in the 'Other Approval Forms' section.
  • 09/03/2019 - The SRA Pre-Award and Post-Award Staff Assignments have been updated. Please see our Staff Assignments Page.
  • 08/20/2019 - The following NIH Modular Grants Budget Tabulator Forms have been updated on the SRA Forms page under Proposal Budget Preparation Forms:
    a) NIH Modular Grants Budget Tabulator (Off-Campus Research)
    b) NIH Modular Grants Budget Tabulator SAMPLE (Off-Campus Research)
    c) NIH Modular Grants Tabulator (On-Campus Research, Non-NHMFL Facilities)
    d) NIH Modular Grants Tabulator SAMPLE (On-Campus Research, Non-NHMFL Facilities)
    e) NIH Modular Grants Budget Tabulator (On-Campus Research, NHMFL Facilities)
    The changes were only minor and included updating the F&A rates as well as the equipment threshold.
  • 08/15/2019 - The Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect the section regarding Graduate Tuition Waivers. The only changes to the Facts Sheet:
    The 2019-2020 tuition amounts have not changed from the 2018-2019 amounts, but the proceeding years have an estimated 1% increase each year.
  • 08/15/2019 - SRA has made several changes to the Personnel Change Request Form in the following areas:
    1) The form is for changes to the Post-Award Project Support Team only.
    2) The form will not be used for changes in PI or Co-PI because those changes usually require sponsor approval, and SRA will need a revised transmittal form to reflect the changes and departmental approvals to the changes.
    3) Additional instructions are included for team members with the e/PRO role.
    4) The SRA QA staff will process the forms so send them to the QA email at
  • 07/22/2019 - The Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect the new rates for Fringe Benefits and Health Insurance.
  • 06/11/2019 - Due to a change in the law this year, FSU had to reapply for certification from the USDA to be designated as a Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture under the Agriculture Improvement Act. FSU was successful in receiving this designation anew. The new certification can be found on our 'Resources and Training' page as 'US Dept. of Agriculture (NIFA) - Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture Certification'.
  • 05/22/2019 - The Direct/Indirect Costs Policy has been revised effective 4/11/19 to: 1) Clarify that the policy applies to federal/federal flow-through, state and other public sponsored agreements and 2) To remove the references to OMB A-21 which was replaced by 2 CFR 200
  • 05/03/2019 - The SRA Pre-Award and Post-Award Staff Assignments have been updated. Please see our Staff Assignments Page.
  • 04/22/2019 - The Sponsor Salary Limitations section of the SRA Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) recent change to the maximum rates of pay for Executive Level and Senior Executive Level employees (effective January 2019). As a result of this OPM change, salary limitations for HHS NIH, DOJ OJP, and USDA NIFA have been updated. We removed the information on the NASA salary limitation from the Facts Sheet since it is not an “across the board” salary limitation. The Facts Sheet is located at
  • 04/18/2019 - SRA is happy to unveil an efficient new form, the Institutional Prior Approval Form, which replaces three existing forms: the Advance Request Form, the Prior Approval Request Form, and the CAS Exemption Request Form. Effective immediately, please use the new interactive form, which is housed on the SRA Forms webpage, for Pre-Award Spending, Advance, No-Cost Time Extension, and CAS Exemption requests. The SRA website has been updated accordingly. The Procedures for Advance have also been updated to reflect the recent change to the 7A-1 Advances for Externally Funded Projects Policy and use of the new form. 
  • 03/08/2019 - FSU Policy 7A-1 “Authorization for Advance on Externally-Funded Projects” is now effective and can be found at
  • 03/06/2019 - The Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) Facts Sheet has been updated to reflect the annual System for Award Management (SAM) renewal. The new SAM expiration date is March 3, 2020.
  • 11/06/2018 - The National Science Foundation (NSF) is pleased to announce a revised version of 'Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), (NSF 19-1)' has been issued. The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 28, 2019.
  • 10/15/2018 - Due to Hurricane Michael and FSU's closure from Tuesday through Friday of last week, the Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) Open House scheduled for Tuesday, October 16th, will be postponed. Once a new time has been scheduled, an announcement will be sent out.
  • 10/08/2018 - Due to the University closing for Hurricane Michael, SRA has rescheduled certificate classes SRA18: Intellectual Property & SRA01: Proposal Basics/ Electronic Submission Systems. These classes will now be held on December 17th and 19th, respectively. For additional information, please see SRA's Certificate Series Schedule.
  • 08/24/2018 - 2018-2019 Graduate Assistant Stipend Increases and Contract Administration. Also, our Facts Sheet has been updated with in regards to this memo.
  • 08/01/2018 –The OVPR issued a memo regarding updates to the Fixed Price Residual Funds Policy (7A-11) and request form. Please see the updated FAQ’s for additional information.
  • 07/25/2018 - The Facts Sheet has been updated.
  • 07/09/2018 - The F&A Rate Agreement has been updated.
  • 06/15/2018 - The Post-Award Staff Assignment Sheet has been updated and posted to SRA's website under Staff Assignments.
  • 06/08/2018 - The Proposal Transmittal Form (Word) has been updated under Forms.
  • 06/06/2018 - The Request for New Subcontract or Amendment to Existing Subcontract form has been updated under Forms.
  • 05/23/2018 - The Proposal Transmittal Form (Fillable PDF) has been updated under Forms.
  • 05/15/2018 - Guidance on Letters of Intent, Concept Papers, and White Papers
  • 04/17/2018 - Procedures for Award Notifications and Approvals
  • 03/19/2018 - Policy for the Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
  • 02/02/2018 - Sponsored Research Administration email address to request sponsored research queries and reports
  • 01/22/2018 - Impact of Federal Government Shutdown on Federally Funded Projects
  • 01/19/2018 - Clinical Trial Definition Expanded to Include Behavioral Studies (effective 01/25/2018)
  • 01/19/2018 - The Pre-Award Staff Assignment Sheet has been updated and posted to SRA's website under Staff Assignments (effective 01/22/2018).
  • 10/12/2017 - The SRA Facts Sheet has been updated since the University has increased the Health Insurance Subsidy Benefit for Graduate Assistants with a qualifying appointment by $82 for domestic students and $95 for international students. 
  • 09/20/2017 - The new Cost Share Commitment Form has been posted under Forms.

Quick Links:

Contact Us:

Sponsored Research Administration
874 Traditions Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4166
View Map
Ph: (850) 644-5260
Fax: (850) 644-1464

SRA Data & Reporting Inquiries:
Subcontract Inquiries:
FACET Inquiries:
Subcontract Invoice Inquiries:

View Staff Listing
View Staff Assignments
SRA Organizational Chart