National Institutes of Health
General Resources
Database of Successful Proposals
Borrow an NIH Grant Writing Guide
Example Timeline for R01 Proposal Preparation
Writing your Application to the NIH
References vs. Letters of Support: What's the Difference? (9/19)
The Do's and Don'ts of Hyperlinks in Grant Applications (5/19)
Writing Specific Aims
Specific Aims Template Exercise
Specific Aims (from NUCATS CLIMB program):
part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XFbo_2IdYE
part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aum4Nurz4uM
NIH Grant Applications: The Anatomy of the Specific Aims Page
OHSU: Writing a Great Specific Aims Page
Roswell Park Cancer Center: Anatomy of a Specific Aims
Rigor, Reproducibility, and Responsible Conduct of Research
Rigor and Reproducibility in NIH Applications: Resource Chart
NIH Enhancing Reproducibility Guidelines (effective January 2019)
Responsible Conduct of Research Training
Data Management and Sharing Resources
Data Management and Sharing Plans (On Demand Learning)
FSU Libraries: Data Management and Sharing Guide
FSU Office for Human Subjects Protection: Resources on Data Management and Sharing
NIH: Example DMSPs
UCSF: Templates and Sample DMSPs
Clinical Trials
NIH Definition of a Clinical Trial
FSU Office for Clinical Research Advancement
Institute-Specific Resources
Sample Applications and More (NIAID)
Common Mistakes in Applications (NIMH)
Career Development Awards
Mentors and How They Can Help - Also check out our Research Mentoring page
Interested in applying for an NIH K-Award? Check out the FSU K2R Scholars website
Multimedia Resources
National Research Mentoring Network: Best Practices for Junior Investigators When Writing an NIH Research Grant Application
Visit the NIH YouTube Channel for Grant Related Presentations
NIH Peer Review Revealed provides a front-row seat to a review peer review meeting
NIH Tips for Applicants gives applicants practical advice and insights