Tools for Research Mentors and Mentees
- The FSU Office of Faculty Development and Advancement has many mentoring tools for faculty across career levels:
- The National Academies 2019 Online Guide for the Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM
- The University of Wisconsin–Madison Institute for Clinical and Translational Research offers resources for mentors and mentees focused on cultivating effective mentoring relationships, including information on mentoring best practices and the 4 stages of a mentoring relationship.
- Mentor Evaluation Examples
National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) offers videos on mentoring and professional development. The videos in this section offer advice and strategies on mentoring and professional development to help you become a successful scientist.
Indiana University’s School of Medicine, Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development offers a faculty mentoring website. In addition to a discussion of mentoring benefits and models, it includes a ‘mentoring toolkit’ with practical resources for mentors and mentees.
The University of California–San Francisco’s Mentorship Development Program offers course materials on their Accelerate website, supported by their Clinical and Translational Science Institute. The site includes an extensive library of case scenarios as well as didactic materials on 9 central topics, such as communication, work-life balance, institutional orientation, and leadership skills.
- The University of Massachusetts Amherst Mentoring Resources
Research Mentor Training: Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Training Curriculum
My IDP Science Careers: A web-based tool to create a research-specific Independent Development Plan
Lehigh University adapted Mentor Network Map
Guidance from the NIH on choosing a mentor
APA guidance on Responsible Mentoring for Researchers
Nature's Guide for Mentors - The Nature awards for creative mentoring in science were created on the premise that the mentorship of young researchers — although fully deserving of recognition — is perhaps the least remarked on of all the activities that take place in the lab. Indeed, there is no established definition of what constitutes good scientific mentoring. This article attempts to remedy that situation, drawing on the evidence from competitions for Nature's awards.
The FSU Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (OFDA) has made FSU a member of the NCFDD. NCFDD offers on-demand access to the mentoring, accountability, and support you need to thrive in the academy. First, you must create a free account (free for FSU faculty) to develop your best practices for strategic planning, productivity, work-life balance, and healthy professional relationships. Once you have an FSU account you will be able to access the following valuable resources on Mentoring:
- NCFDD webinar: Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors, & Collaborators
Check out other NCFDD resources related to mentoring HERE
Suggested Publications
- Buckingham, M., Clifton, D.O. (2001). Now, Discover Your Strengths. Simon & Schuster. New York, NY.
- Dinolfo, S., Nugent, J.S. (2010). Making Mentoring Work. Catalyst. New York, NY.
- McLean, A., George, B., Craig, N. (2008). Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide. Jossey-Bass. San Francisco, CA.
- Pfund, C., Branchaw, J., Handelsman, J. (2014). Entering Mentoring. W.H. Freeman & Company. New York, NY.
- Pfund, C.,House, S., Asquith,P., Spence, K., Silet, K., Sorkness, C. (2013). Mentor Training for Clinical and Translational Researchers.
- Yun, J, BAldi, B., & Sorcinelli, M. (2016). Mutual Mentoring for Early-Career and Underrepresented Faculty: Model, Research, and Practice. Innovative Higher Education, doi 10.1007/s10755-016-9359-6.
- Zachary, L. (2005). Creating a Mentoring Culture. Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA.
- Zachary, L., Fischler, L. (2009). The Mentee’s Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You. Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA.
- Zachary, L. (2012). The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships. Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA.
- Zander, B, Stone Zander, R. (2000). The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life. Harvard Business School Press. Boston, MA