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FSU Mentoring Programs

This resource is meant to provide an overview of all FSU mentoring programs.  If you know of a program that is not listed here, please email us and let us know about the program so we can add it to the list of FSU mentoring efforts, including the program title, website (if applicable), short description of the program, who are the mentors, who are the mentees, and who is the program contact.

Mentoring Programs for Faculty Researchers


Campus-Wide Mentoring Programs for Faculty Researchers

Office of Research Development FSU Research Mentor Academy

  • Description: Effective research mentoring relationships are critical to developing the next generation of researchers.  The mission of the FSU research mentor academy is to promote a culture of support for research mentoring and to provide training in optimizing mentoring relationships for mentors with their mentees at all levels of their research careers. Our training is based on the research mentoring curricula, Entering Mentoring, an evidence-based curriculum from the the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER), using an interactive approach that allows participants to explore an intellectual framework for research mentoring within a community of their peers. This approach provides mentors with opportunities for reflection and a forum to solve mentoring dilemmas and share successful mentorship strategies.
  • Contact: Dr. Rachel Goff-Albritton at


Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (OFDA) Career Path Mentoring Support

  • Description: Most faculty understand the benefits of mentoring early career faculty. An experienced faculty member shares experiences, advice, and expertise regarding the ins and outs of teaching, research, service, university and department specific protocols, and balance. What may be unexpected is that experienced faculty also benefit from mentoring. When working toward a particular career goal, it is always beneficial to tap the expertise of someone who has already achieved that goal or a similar goal.

  • Contact: If you need facilitation with faculty mentoring, please contact Dr. Peggy Wright-Cleveland at or 645-8202.

FSU/UF Center for Translational Science Award (CTSA) K Scholars Program

  • FSU NIH K Scholars Program 

  • Created as a result of a National Institutes of Health Clinical and Translational Science Award, a partnership between FSU and the University of Florida, the FSU K Scholar Program is designed to create a community of postdocs, junior faculty, and mentors who work together to submit excellent K applications and set FSU’s junior researchers on a path to independence. In addition to keeping the FSU community informed about the K Scholar Program, this website contains a variety of resources for FSU researchers applying for NIH Research Career Development Awards. See FSU News story about the program Here​.
  • Contact: Sylvie Naar, PhD, Director, FSU K Scholar Program (


  • Florida State University (FSU) is one of 6 universities among the first cohort of the NIH Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Program. FSU aims to develop, implement, and evaluate a program, Fostering Institutional Resources for Science Transformation: The FLORIDA-FIRST Health-Science Brigade is transforming culture at FSU to generate a self-sustaining scientific community dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence. We propose leveraging institutional resources to recruit a FIRST Cohort of 6 early-career, biomedical researchers who demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusive excellence and who contribute to clusters of research excellence in chronic disease prevention and management (Cluster 1) or mental health (Cluster 2) and to implement a systems-level approach and generate evidence of its effectiveness for supporting individual faculty research and career development (micro), within their cohort and collaborative networks (meso), that can be replicated through sustainable changes to university culture (macro).


Faculty and Staff Affinity Groups

FSU Connections Mentoring Network for the Black Faculty and Staff Network (BFSN)

  • Mentoring contributes positively to the recruitment, retention, and promotion of faculty of color by promoting awareness of tenure and promotion processes and supporting productivity broadly. Moving away from the Guru-Mentoring (individual) ideology a Network model supports a comprehensive and more realistic view of mentoring. By creating a network, small groups of faculty across campus, faculty are not only exposed to 1 faculty member, but several outside and possibly within their discipline. This creates a connection to the larger campus, and helps to facilitate developing an essential network of faculty of color that is essential for recruitment and retention.
  • Each participant will be matched with a Network facilitated by a Connector, a senior faculty member, and other faculty with similar scholarly interests. This network does not replace a department or program’s responsibility to assign a guidance committee or mentor for assistant professors; rather, it offers additional support and resources that build upon the work of departmental mentoring relationships. Connections will sponsor a number of events based on the needs of the network. These events include monthly networking events and professional development workshops, a faculty writing retreat, and more.
  • Contact: Joe Blanks & Dr. Gregory Harris, Co Leaders

Women in STEM: FSU research mentoring group for FSU Female Faculty

LatinX Faculty Staff Network

Find more FSU Affinity Groups Here:

Mentoring Programs for Students


Campus-Wide Mentoring Programs for Students

The Career Center, MentorFSU

  • Webpage:
  • Description: The Career Center's longest-running signature programs, connects FSU students with Alumni & Friends of Florida State for career advice and guidance.
  • Mentor: FSU alumni/friends/parents
  • Mentee: Students
  • Contact:

Freshman Leadership Institute (an executive project within the Student Government Association) Peer Mentors

  • Webpage:
  • Description: Peer Mentors play an essential role in the Freshman Leadership Institute. As the “go to” person for each participant, mentors provide students with information, encouragement, and guidance to adjust to their new life as a Seminole. Peer Mentors are paired with an FLI participant to provide guidance and assistance as the student becomes more involved and confident on campus.
  • Mentor: FSU student at FSU for at least 2 semesters
  • Mentee: New FSU student, at FSU for less than 2 semesters
  • Contact: 850-644-1811

Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement, Transition, Engagement, & Academic Mentoring (T.E.A.M.) Peer Mentoring Program

  • Webpage:
  • Description: The Transition, Engagement, & Academic Mentoring Program (T.E.A.M.) of FSU’s Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement (CARE) provides first year students an opportunity to be connected to a peer mentor (T.E.A.M. Leader) to help them with their transition and engagement on the FSU campus. Juniors and seniors in CARE have the opportunity to serve as mentors to students in the program, CARE first-year students, and students who join CARE's College Success Program (CSP). Students who become a TEAM Leader have the opportunity to build leadership skills and make a lasting impact on their fellow peers in CARE.
  • Mentor: Junior or Seniors within CARE
  • Mentee: Student in 1st or 2nd semester (priority admission to T.E.A.M. given to students who join the CARE College Success Program (CSP)
  • Contact: (850)644-9699,

College or Departmental Mentoring Programs for Students

College of Medicine SSTRIDE Mentors

  • Webpage:
  • Description: A key aspect of the outreach program design is the inclusion of mentors to serve as tutors and guides at every level of the pipeline. Mentors support the students and assist with coursework and enrichment activities. A mentor is one who can provide instruction which can stimulate interest and achievement in science, provide a model of academic success, help students to form supportive peer groups for academic achievement, and provide both personal and academic assistance.
  • Mentor: Mentors are typically selected from members of Undergraduate SSTRIDE©, as well as, the Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences degree program
  • Mentee: Students in the College of Medicine
  • Contact: Thesla Berne-Anderson, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Outreach,

College of Medicine Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS), Collegiate Mentor Initiative (C.M.I.) Corner

  • Webpage:
  • Description: The Florida State University Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS), Collegiate Mentor Initiative (C.M.I.) is a program designed to aid incoming freshman and sophomore students in preparation for medical and professional health programs. Its primary function is to give these incoming students the opportunities to interact with an upperclassmen mentor during their first two years, with progression to becoming a mentor and continuing the process. This will direct the students along the proper pathways towards successful matriculation into graduate health-care and medical programs and beyond. It will focus on retention of students by accentuating meeting attendance and involvement in study groups, mentoring, test prep and/or other academic support groups.
  • Mentor: The Mentor is a junior or senior student
  • Mentee: The Mentee is an incoming freshman or sophomore whom intends on becoming a part of MAPS
  • Contact: Thesla B. Andersson, executive Director of Outreach program,

College of Business Student Mentoring Program

  • Webpage:
  • Description: Mentoring is an opportunity to make a difference! No student's education is complete without a solid grounding in how business works beyond the classroom. Created by the college’s Student Leadership Council, the Business Mentoring Program provides an essential link between academic theory and business reality, and offers personal and professional benefits to every participant.
  • Mentor: Business professionals
  • Mentee: Business students
  • Contact: Director of Student Engagement, Marissa Mainwood,, 850-645-1005

Department of Philosophy - The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Mentoring Program

  • Webpage:
  • Description: During the Summer of 2020, The Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Mentoring Program was born, a collaboration between the Minorities and Philosophy Club, the Undergraduate Philosophy Club, and the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement. The program is run by a team of 14 mentors, 3 Head Mentors, 1 Program Director, and 1 Director of Research, Leadership, and Service. Philosophy is a particularly challenging field for minority and first-generation college students. Philosophy departments are often very academic and lack diversity, making it challenging for undergraduates from less traditional backgrounds to find sufficient support and mentoring within the discipline. The goal of the Minorities and Philosophy Mentoring Program is to provide academic support to these students while at the same time providing them with valuable leadership and service experiences that will equip and position them to accomplish their future academic and career goals.
  • Mentor: Philosophy professionals
  • Mentee: Minority and first-generation college students in Philosophy program
  • Contact: Lauren Willson

Department of Communication and Information, Center for Hispanic Marketing Mentorship Program

  • Webpage:
  • Description: We match our students with prestigious professionals from our Advisory Board and other industry friends and colleagues active in Hispanic and Multicultural Marketing. The mentor becomes a contact for the ‘mentee’ and provides a realistic vision and exceptional wisdom in the field.  Mentors can serve as great resources for those just starting out or close to entering the “real-work world”.  Mentees receive career advice, insider tips, and perspective from their appointed mentors.
  • Mentor: Professionals from the advisory board and the Hispanic and Multicultural Marketing industry
  • Mentee: Undegrad or graduate students interested in marketing/business
  • Contact: Dr. Sindy Chapa, /Director and Associate Professor,