Collaboration Services
Need to Meet a New Research Collaborator?
We'll do the work for you. With our campus, regional, and national research support connections and access to research expertise databases, we'll search for researchers with specific skillsets or research topics of interest, and we'll provide you with profiles of researchers that align with your collaboration needs! Then you can then reach out to those potential collaborators or we can facilitate introductions and next steps. Contact the Research Development Coordinator who supports your discipline.
Research Interest Groups
For research areas and opportunities with high strategic value, we foster multi-disciplinary collaboration across campus by supporting Research Interest Groups. We provide structured support including:
- building custom Teams sites to provide a collaboration space,
- facilitating regular interest group meetings,
- disseminating relevant news from federal funders,
- creating custom funding searches and alerts, and
- facilitating team creation around funding opportunities.
We invite researchers interested in starting a Research Interest Group to contact our Program Director for Strategic Research Advancement.
Large-scale, Multidisciplinary Proposal Team Support
Are you considering a large-scale funding opportunity that will involve multiple PIs or a multidisciplinary research team? We work to ensure that faculty pursuing external funding for large, collaborative projects, or Center-scale efforts have the support that they need to be successful. In addition to the planning, production, and proofing services we routinely provide, support for large scale efforts also includes:
- Collaborative space - We will create and maintain an online collaboration and project management space using Microsoft Teams or Google Docs.
- Project management - Following the funding opportunity checklist, proposal outline, and timeline, we engage with everyone involved in the proposal and communicate responsibilities, deliverables, and deadlines.
- Proposal preparation - We coordinate with team members involved in the writing process and facilitate proposal drafts, as well as production of the final proposal narrative(s) (as specified by the NOFO).
- Document collection: We manage the collection of information and supplemental documents (e.g., bios, facilities, mentoring plans) from team members (including those outside of FSU) and proofread them to ensure compliance with the solicitation and funding agency guidelines.
If you are interested in forming a large-scale proposal team around a current or anticipated funding opportunity, contact our Program Director for Strategic Research Advancement.