Proposal Services
RD offers a variety of proposal development services to faculty and staff researchers at Florida State University. Any externally-sponsored grant proposal that will be submitted through FSU Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) or the FSU Research Foundation (FSURF) is eligible for RD assistance. Our staff works on proposals from all colleges, departments, centers, and institutes at FSU, and our services are available for individual PIs, small teams, large teams, and institutional-level proposals.
Certain services are only available for large team/institutional proposal efforts (e.g., multiple PI or center grants), and are denoted with a *** designation. Large team proposals are defined on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with your Research Development Coordinator. If you are preparing a proposal with a budget over $10 million, please see more details on available services here.
Looking for new funding opportunities, potential collaborators, or grant writing tips? Visit our Proposal Resources page!

Planning Services
Solicitation Checklist | Proposal Outline | Timeline
| Production Plan

Production Services
Document Preparation | Team Management | Graphic Design | Budget Development

Proofing Services
Editing | Internal Mock Review Panel | External Review | Handoff to SRA/FSURF
In certain circumstances, RD provides proposal budget and budget justification development services. This service is limited to researchers in departments that do not have in-house budget or grants compliance staff and is negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Mock reviews (sometimes called “Red Teams”) are pre-submission expert reviews that use the funding opportunity’s evaluation criteria. Expert reviews provide constructive comments, and a realistic estimate of the proposal’s competitiveness. FSU Research Development offers Internal Mock Review Panels with 2-3 FSU faculty experts, as well as an External Review Program with an outside expert. PIs may select one or the other for a given proposal.
In cooperation with the PI and department/college grants staff, RD staff will assist with proposal preparation in RAMP and in sponsor submission systems prior to the hand-off to Sponsored Research Administration or the FSU Research Foundation for final review and submission.
*** only available for large team/institutional proposals
Who should I contact for assistance?
Our team specializes in supporting external funding proposals and has significant experience working with various sponsors, programs, and proposal formats. To find the appropriate person to work with, please view the discipline-specific research development support page.
Please Note: These services are provided by Research Development (RD), a unit of the Division of Research at Florida State University. RD is not part of Sponsored Research Administration nor the FSU Research Foundation, the FSU Foundation, nor University Business Administration. RD complements but does not replace SRA, FSURF, and/or Department-/College-based grants support staff. We also do not hold final responsibility for proposal content, nor do we approve proposal submission. For more information about the roles and responsibilities in the proposal development process, please see the Research Administration Manual.