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Forming Alliances in an Ever Evolving Field

Jorge Piekarewicz

Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Physics


Dr. Jorge Piekarewicz is fascinated by death, specifically, the death of stars. Jorge is a leader in theoretical nuclear physics, and he was gracious enough to visit with us shortly after receiving the highest honor FSU can bestow on faculty: the Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor Award. In this episode, Jorge talks about neutron stars, NASA rockets, carbon, collaboration, and mentorship.


Dr. Jorge Piekarewicz is a Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Physics at FSU. He received his Bachelor of Science in physics from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico in 1981, and his Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1985. Afterward, carried out postdoctoral research at the California Institute of Technology and Indiana University. In 1990, he joined FSU, becoming a full professor in 2005 and a Distinguished Research Professor in 2016. While at FSU, he has received four University Teaching Awards and the 2017 Graduate Faculty Mentor Award. He was also named fellow for the American Physical Society in 2005. He has written over 155 publications, and his research has been continuously funded by the Department of Energy since 1992. He currently serves as the Director of the FRIB Theory Alliance. This year he received the greatest honor FSU can bestow on a faculty member – the Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor Award.