In Case You
Missed It:
On Demand Learning

2023 NSF CAREER 5-part Workshop Series
Intellectual Merit & Broader Impacts
Coming Soon:
Research Development Events

July 17: Arts & Humanities Grantseeking

Research Mentor Academy
July 31: Humanities
August 1: Arts

Meet the Winners of
Collaborative Collision: Florida
Four teams of Florida State University researchers and community partners faced off in the most recent Collaborative Collision for the chance to win up to $100,000 from the FSU Office of Research for projects looking to address issues facing the state of Florida.
The winning team was FSU CHOOSE: Collaborative Hub for Outreach and Opportunities in STEM Education. This team is focused on expanding the number of people pursuing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers through outreach efforts addressing challenges in middle and high school STEM programs. By creating a STEM outreach hub to encourage coordination, collaboration, and partnerships within FSU and with North Florida community partners, the research team will launch a long-term effort to establish FSU as a national leader in STEM outreach.
Read the full article: FSU invests in projects to help the State of Florida

Service Spotlight: Proposal Planning
Research Development is often referred to as "Pre-Pre-Award." We can help you develop your proposal from the earliest days of idea conception and see you through up until submission time. Our planning services are tailored to your needs and the funding opportunity announcement.
For any proposal, we can provide a solicitation checklist, where we'll "shred" the FOA and sponsor guidelines to pull out each unique component of the narrative, budget, and supporting documents. We also offer timeline development, working backwards from the sponsor due date to keep your writing on track.
For large team proposals, we can assist with narrative outlines that include all required headings and sections, as well as RFA-specific criteria that must be met. We also create production plans with assigned responsibilities, deliverables, and deadlines to ensure the entire team is on the same page.
To get started, contact your Research Development Coordinator!

Resource Spotlight: Funding Bulletin
Check out our newly updated Bulletin of Key Funding Opportunities for upcoming deadlines across all research and creative disciplines!

Congratulations Faculty Awardees!
A monthly breakdown of FSU Faculty awards

New content available monthly: Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter
Including funding opportunities, funding agency updates, and tips for crafting a competitive proposal!

FSU Research Development is now on LinkedIn

Follow @FSU_ORD