In Case You
Missed It:
On Demand Learning

NSF CAREER Workshop Series
March 5th | CAREER Awardee Panel Q&A
March 7th | Integrating Research & Teaching
March 22nd | Working with RAMP & SRA

Collaborative Collision: Mental & Behavioral Health
March 28th | Networking Event

Research Mentor Academy
May 6th - 8th | Postdoctoral Scholars
June 3rd - 5th | Humanities

ASPIRE: A Strategic Plan to Inspire Research Excellence
Florida State University is one of the nation’s premier Research 1 institutions with a vibrant community of researchers, creators, and innovators and a long history of excellence in the sciences, arts, and humanities. President Richard McCullough and the FSU Board of Trustees have set aggressive goals and challenged our university community to build on this strong foundation to further develop and mature our research and creative operations.
To help guide our efforts, the FSU Office of Research, under the direction of Vice President Stacey Patterson, launched ASPIRE – A Strategic Plan to Inspire Research Excellence.
With the help of an accomplished faculty committee, input from the Council of Associate Deans for Research, analyses of funding and publication trends, and a campus-wide survey, we have crafted a robust and ambitious plan for FSU that identifies strategic areas of focus and investment. The vision and initiatives for executing these strategies are detailed throughout the ASPIRE plan.
Read the Strategic Plan
5 Strategies for Achieving Our Vision
- Our People | Growing and supporting high-quality and diverse faculty and staff is the key enabler for achieving our vision.
- Partnerships and Innovation | The development and nurturing of partnerships is required to fully realize our potential.
- Supporting Infrastructure | We must reduce real and perceived barriers to conducting investigator-initiated research and team-based projects across the university.
- Focus on Scholarship and Excellence | We must celebrate our achievements and tell our stories.
- Impact Areas and Crosscutting Themes | FSU will invest strategically in areas that build on existing strengths to accelerate our impact.

Upcoming Research Events
for ASPIRE Impact Areas
Healthy Florida
March 28th | Collaborative Collision: Mental & Behavioral Health
September 11th | Health Research Expo at the Tallahassee Senior Center
Advancing Materials
April 11th - 13th | Dirac Quantum Discussions
A Resilient Future
April 20th | Coastal & Marine Lab Open House | 75th Anniversary

Resource Spotlight: NSF CAREER Toolkit
Preparing a proposal for the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER deadline this summer? Check out all of the resources in our NSF CAREER Toolkit!

Congratulations Faculty Awardees!
A monthly breakdown of FSU awards

New content available monthly: Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter
Including funding opportunities, funding agency updates, and tips for crafting a competitive proposal!

Funding Bulletin
Upcoming key funding opportunities across all disciplines!