Meet the Winners of
Collaborative Collision: Rural Innovation
Six teams of Florida State University researchers and community partners faced off in the most recent Collaborative Collision for the chance to win up to $100,000 from the FSU Office of Research for projects exploring solutions to complex challenges facing rural communities.
This six-member team is identifying what resources and barriers exist for neurodiverse individuals across North Florida’s rural counties, including which services are accessible and where there are gaps. Despite the growing demand for services and care for individuals facing issues such as autism or ADHD, there has been no purposeful or interdisciplinary effort to investigate the care ecosystem for neurodiverse populations in rural areas where access to resources may be restricted.
Read the full article: Research Teams Tackle Challenges Facing Rural Areas in FSU Funding Competition

Service Spotlight: Mock Review Panel Program
The Office of Research Development will help organize a mock review for your proposal to any agency, as an opportunity to improve your proposal prior to submission. This can increase the likelihood of your proposal being funded!
We'll put together a panel of experienced reviewers - some familiar with your work or field of study and others with specific agency review experience - to provide feedback on both the science and the format of your proposal.
To participate, submit a request at least 7 weeks prior to the agency deadline and have your completed draft ready at least 6 weeks before it is due. This will ensure you have enough time to consider comments and make changes.
Ready to schedule your review? Email or contact your Research Development Coordinator!

Resource Spotlight: Database of Successful Proposals
Need an example to help you craft your next proposal? Thanks to the generosity of our FSU faculty, we maintain a robust repository of funded proposals submitted to a variety of agencies!

Congratulations Faculty Awardees!
A monthly breakdown of FSU Faculty awards

New content available monthly: Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter
Including funding opportunities, funding agency updates, and tips for crafting a competitive proposal!

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Resources
Visit the FSU Libraries Research Data Management Guide

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