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Cessation of Smoking System

Tech ID:
Principal Investigator:
Brigitta Nuccio & Andree Aubrey
  • Copyright

This cessation of smoking method is an evidence-based curriculum for delivering both group and individual cessation interventions. It can be used cost-effectively in community based programs and across multiple components of a health system including primary and specialty clinics, behavioral health programs, and hospitals.

The participant workbook contains six sessions or modules and serves as a guide to the tobacco cessation process. The workbook walks participants through the critical steps of making a quit attempt and addresses physical addiction to nicotine, psychological dependence, behavioral habit, and social/cultural influences. In the workbook participants will complete motivational activities, document a specific quit date, outline their quit strategies and have additional information for reference that may not get covered in the counseling sessions. Even participants who attend only one session may use the workbook to make an independent quit attempt. The workbook is designed in a way that it can be used for independent study if a tobacco user wants to quit but is not interested in attending a group.